Cyber Security
This page contains a description of PGGM-CERT’s service: the organisation, services and policies. PGGM-CERT's focus is on the security of PGGM's ICT systems. PGGM-CERT is focused on corporate PGGM.
PGGM-CERT's mission is to minimise the impact of a threat or damage resulting from a (cyber) attack or digital break-in.
RFC2350: PGGM-CERT RFC2350 EN.pdf
Version: 1.0
Last revision date: 01-03-2017
Last review date: 23-09-2020
PGGM PGP Year-key 2023: PGGM-CERT Year-key 2024.asc
Contact Details
"PGGM-CERT", PGGM's Computer Emergency Response Team
Postal Address
PO Box 117
3700 AC Zeist
The Netherlands
PGGM-CERT can be reached from 08:00 to 18:00 on: +31 (0)30 277 72 40. Outside these office hours, support is provided on a best-effort basis. PGGM-CERT can be reached via e-mail at
E-mail Addresses
Incident reporting: and
Urgent reports:
Time Zone
PGGM-CERT uses Central European Time (CET), including Daylight Saving Time (DST).
In other words, GMT+ 0100 in winter and GMT+ 0200 in summer.
Public Keys and other Encryption Information
PGGM-CERT uses PGP to sign electronic information. Encryption is used for the exchange of secret or confidential information.
The PGGM-CERT year-key is used for PGGM-CERT communications. The year-key is signed by the generic PGGM-CERT key.
The year-key can be verified here: PGGM-CERT Year-key 2024.asc
Responsible Disclosure
PGGM attaches a great deal of importance to the security of its systems. In spite of the attention devoted to system security, it is possible that a weak spot may have been overlooked. Should you find a weak spot in one of PGGM's systems, we would like to hear from you, so that the necessary measures can be taken as quickly as possible. Click here to read everything about our Responsible Disclosure Policy.
Privacy Statement
Click here to read our Privacy Statement.